Sky News goofs as it describes Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta as 'President of Africa'
Saw this post earlier on. Uhuru Kenyatta is from the tribe called Kikuyu and the tribe rules Kenya. They are hardworking and business driven just like the igbos. Uhuru's father ruled Kenya also. In 2007, a tribal clash happened and the Kalenjins and Luo's were killing the Kikuyus because Uhuru was to win the election but then Uhuru Kenyatta started distributing weapons to his tribe called Kikuyu so they will protect themselves. Well, some people see him as a hero. There are 43 tribes, Kikuyu is the most hated probably because they have ruled Kenya for a long time.
Check our William Ruto, the vice president of Kenya. He is the real looter. Just Google his house.
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