Lady gives married man an epic response for asking her out!

I've said it before that hating on gay people and criminalising homosexuality is hypocritical self righteousness. We are a society that likes to lie to ourselves. From a Christian perspective, homosexuality is a sin. But so is fornication, adultery, stealing, etc. Why we pick on only homosexuality, I can't fathom. I think we just like to construct the idea of a "greater evil" or the "ultimate sin", in order to make our "regular sins" (fornication, adultery, etc) seem smaller or even normal. Besides, not everyone believes the Christian faith. So, let's let gay people be.
Please don't insult me. This is my sincere, objective position on the matter, speaking as a heterosexual Christian man.

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I am a heterosexual Christian lady and I agree. We should all love and not judge. That's what makes us true Christians. Let God do the judging.

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I really support u.sin is greater sin. the bible say every sinner shall not inherit the kingdom
of heaven,not only homosexualls.

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Murk about 15 hours ago

Lol @ pls don't insult me. Truth is yes, sin is sin but there are categories to sin and this homosexuality is a mad high category sin compared to some. For example, the ALMIGHTY FATHER said all sins are forgivable except one which I hope you know. So that means even homosexuality is forgivable but the fact is in the category of sins, homo strong well. I don't believe in persecuting gays but rehabilitating them because it's a sick sin. It directly goes against the natural order of things as placed by the FATHER HIMSELF.

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You are not fit to be a Christian if you are heterosexual.... I bind and Cast that demon from you. Here you are clearly going against God's word and yet claim to be a Christian. If you did not Change.... May the Red Sea open up and consume you and your Gay generation.

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Lindaikeji's first son??? I know it's you, All this your advocate for LGBT Will not work. Onyeisii, crawl back to your hole abeg...

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People are so religiously brainwashed, they can't even think rationally. At the end of all this, you religious charlatans will destroy your religious cults with hypocrisy. Believe that.

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